Kaninöppet i Lisebergsparken
Köp biljetterVad är det som göms i snö? Påskfirande med kaninerna! Och vad kan passa bättre än att få ses, gå på kaninteater, minidisco, plantera och åka karusell tillsammans? Kaninerna har redan tjuvstartat och nu bara väntar de på att få välkomna dig och dina kära till ett alldeles underbart påskfirande – morötter, primörer och såklart äggjakt står på menyn.
12–16 april kl 10–16
P.S. Hela Lisebergsparken öppnar 17 april
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Carousels that give you butterflies in your tummy
Here you will find all the exciting carousels open to children during Halloween.
Dance at the Balloon Factory
It’s time for the mini disco in Rabbit Land, and the rabbits have loaded up their favorite tunes. If you’ve got enough groove in your paws, you’re welcome to join in as the rabbits shake their fluffy tails. But watch out for dull moments, because when the rabbits throw a party, everyone is invited—even those who would rather eat their hat than join the dance.
The mini disco with the rabbits is at 1 PM and 3 PM.
A High-Voltage Rabbit Theatre
If it weren't for Lisen and her juice machine, Kaninlandet would come to a complete standstill. It's the vegetable juice that powers everything! Every ride gets its motion, and every light bulb gets its glow from the electricity generated when she loads her machine with vegetables. But there’s one who doesn’t appreciate the hustle and bustle of Kaninlandet—Måns Tråk.
Playing at Kaninscenen at 12 PM and 2 PM.
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Rumbling tummy?
On Halloween, you’re allowed to indulge in extra sweets—that’s always been our rule. Therefore, it’s especially important to refuel with good, well-prepared food between your candy and ride breaks.
At the rabbits' favorite spot, Bergs Bistro, there’s room for both a snack and a meal break. Right next door, you’ll find delicious sausages and tasty buns at Korven and Bergs Bullar.
Good to know
Opening hours
September 28–October 3, 10 AM–4 PM
October 14–October 17, 10 AM–4 PM
Halloween in Kaninlandet
Only Kaninlandet and Spelhuset (Amusement Arcade) are open. Other parts of Liseberg Park are closed. The full festivities at Halloween in Liseberg Park premieres on October 4.
Entry to Halloween in Kaninlandet is at the north entrance.