Board of directors and management
Information about Liseberg’s board of directors and management.
Board of directors
Liseberg is one of the City of Gothenburg’s municipal companies. Liseberg therefore has a politically appointed board. The board is made up of ordinary members and staff representatives.
Members of the board
- Kurt Eliasson (S), chair
- Frida Tånghag (V) vice-chair
- Hans Rothenberg (M), second vice-chair
- Jens Wergeland (D)
- Gunilla Carlsson (S)
- Dan Oraham (S)
- Allan Stutzinsky (L)
- Marie-Louise Hänel Sandström (M)
- Siw Wittgren Ahl (S)
- Claes Theliander (V)
Lay auditors
- Ann-Britt Svensson (M)
- Jens-Henrik Madsen (S)
Deputy lay auditors
- Susanne Zetterberg Jensen (M)
- Jonas Bergsten Paija (S)
Regular staff representatives
- Bosse Nordlander (Kommunal trade union)
- Ewa Woldemar (Unionen)
Deputy staff representatives
- Michael McGuinness (Kommunal trade union)
Liseberg’s management
Liseberg’s management is made up of company management and two operational management teams, one for parks and one for residents.
Company management
- Andreas Andersen, President and CEO
- Tina Resch, Vice-president and COO
- Thomas Sjöstrand, CEO, AB Liseberg Skår (Liseberg’s Jubilee project)
- Victoria Widborn, Director of Administration
- Mats Wittholt, CFO
- Julia Vasilis, Director of Communications
- Robert Arvidsson, Head of Marketing
- Kenneth Berndtsson, Head of Technical & Safety Operations
- Lotta Carlsbogård, Head of development Season & events
- Lena Nyquist, General Manager Grand Curiosa Hotel
To provide cover for planned absences, CEO Andreas Andersen appoints deputies for certain management roles.